Just when I am tearing my hair out over straight lines, making things seem antique, wobbly hands and dubious eyesight, I accidentally click on this post by Brennen Reece. That may not be surprising, I did have other related links open. But it happened directly after my loss of confidence in my ability to produce what others want in my art-making, and a conversation about decision-making. In line with my "nothing is a coincidence" theory, I need to contemplate what this post meant for me.
In the last two days I have made a few more decisions about "what I am not" rather than what I am. I have also reminded myself of the things I treasure in life. I have moved from agonising over what I "should" be doing, to accepting that maybe I am doing what is best for this moment. (I do remember banning the words "should" and "must" from my vocabulary).
But getting back to the Mona Lisa and my son-in-law's lesson. This post reminds me of the things I used to know, and have long forgotten. The older I get the more I want things to be simple. I have a huge respect for people who retain knowledge, and more importantly use it and share it, but I seem to have lost all curiousity and the need to obtain and retain knowledge. I don't ask the questions I might have once asked. I don't seek to be a tourist and discover new things. The time is not right for me.
I don't think I am a teacher any more. Does it matter if I am unsure of my role in life?
Today I am grateful for the diversity of people in this world.
A New Season Begins – March 2024
10 months ago