Having a studio (that once was a kitchen) is so good that I am even washing the dishes that turn up in the sink periodically... that has to be a first! Dishes before creating? Never! Don't worry, it will probably pass...
I have heard that it takes three weeks to establish a new habit. Not true! Only once, the first day, very sleepily, did I go to the paint cupboard looking for the tea. Now I go straight to the plastic bin where all the teas are kept. And I gave away the white wine so there is no danger of confusing it with the turps... should I have done that the other way around? That was another habit I thought I should break. Yes, in New Zealand, I have come close to dipping the paint brush into the wine, but never have I tried to drink the turps. I think I am safe.
Now back to work...
Fly safely, fly high, fly with wings of glorious colours...
A New Season Begins – March 2024
10 months ago
Many, many a time I have drunk paint water. 'Tis I good thing I stayed away from oils. ;)
Is that why your hair keeps changing colour?
I like your logic and reasoning.
And that is my new story.
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