I'm really not sure what time zone this blog is in. If I post too early it gives me yesterday's date.
Drat. Contrary to popular opinion there are some things I like to keep tidy. The dates on the blog is one of them. Ah well, not important really.
Dear Cat, I hope that all your today is better than your yesterday...
Dear Sarah, I loved your post about writing/reading/music.
Dear everyone else, I still haven't written last year's Christmas/New Year letter. I don't think it is going to happen. Oooops!
Our road is closed. The rocks above Castello are being pinned back behind huge wire grids. The fire last year destroyed all the vegetation that was holding them together. It is a huge project. I don't want to watch. Rocks should be free, beautiful, scary, but then they might land on Zacchi or me... it's a hard choice, really.
A New Season Begins – March 2024
10 months ago
Squashed Fizzgig! Good for the Barbie!
Me and Zacchi will bite your ankles.
It may be the end of daylight saving but today there is some sunshine. (I guess daylight saving finishing means I'm an hour closer to the rest of the world!)
You can't. You're a vegetarian. Neena neena!
mmmm... it took me a while to work out that it was Tania biting my ankles that was the non-vegetarian it. But if she doesn't take a chunk out and doesn't chew is that still breaking the rules?
I think I'll wear my boots today...
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