14 October 2009

how did it get to be wednesday?

Today my "best room" (ie, the one that functions as lounge, guest room, studio, dressing room and so on) was measured for new window and doors. All my exhausting work across the road will be converted into double glazed objects of beauty with chestnut coloured wooden surrounds. I would love to continue through the whole house, but pian piano, let's start with where the winter wind blows!

Right now I am really really regretting ordering and part-paying for the kitchen doors; it would have been lovely to have them all the same, but with the treatment two little dogs would give them it is probably best that they are alluminium - assuming that they will arrive before THIS winter!

Tomorrow my Christmas present arrives early... and with her probably some earl grey tea! Better go sort the fireplace so it is all ready to light when we get home from the airport.

Today I am grateful for the exercise I am getting up and down the stairs.

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