5 October 2009

gently does it

As promised, to keep me honest, the first stages of the double portrait. It has taken me a while to get the correct mirror images, best angles and composition sorted, but I think I have got it now.

I am working from photographs which I have reversed to give the mirror image which is what the portrait is about. Getting the relative positions of mother and daughter, along with the hairdresser standing behind the bride (he will be in the picture but out of the mirror), almost did my head in. If they are looking in at this angle, they should be looking out at ? angle... and on it went. By comparison the relatively complicated background should seem simple!
I am not sketching too much background or foreground in yet; should I happen to lose a likeness I don't want to waste hours of measuring and drawing.

Today I am grateful for this wonderfully mild October weather.

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