12 April 2014

maybe it is (almost) finished

I am not sure. It didn't live up to my original expectations, but it has a power of its own "in the real" that photographs just don't show. When I began this work I had something so clearly in my mind, and still can see it now, but my hand and the paint took it upon themselves to re-design my concept.

People who have seen it say "Don't touch it, leave it exactly as it is". Perhaps I should put it aside for now, and see what I think in a couple of weeks time. If I cancel my original concept from the equation then I can say I have painted a really strong work that people are reacting to in a positive and thoughtful way. That is what I want to achieve. If I think of the image I wanted to create, then I have failed, miserably, and this is not even close to second best. But maybe this is the better image. I don't know.

The roses do glow, and seem to lift off the canvas. I guess I should be happy with that. The symbolism is there, without a more literal aspect that I decided part way through to leave out of the composition.

Maybe, after a few more tweaks of colour, this is enough.

Today I am grateful for helpful critique. 

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