Yesterday we had a bit of a blob day. Talking into the morning, hot hot hot days, and lots going on does take its toll.
I had some time of buzzing, being really up, with a new exhibition theme buzzing in my head. Later it was a down, with one of my neighbours going crook at me because my dogs bark. Dogs all over the valley bark. Dogs all through the village bark. I think that it is very easy to blame my dogs when really the noise is created by many. Mine are actually better than they used to be. But last night they got their marching orders from the owner of the rest of this apartment building so I am going to have to find a solution.
Zacchi slept upstairs with me last night, so I know he didn't bark. Piccolina slept in with Krista and barked once. They usually sleep outside, and bark when there is a fox or a stray dog around. When they met up this morning the reunion was joyful.
It makes me cry just writing this, even though I didn't even want to be tied down by dogs and certainly felt it when Pickle's illness stretched both me and my budget. But they are my companions, and I don't want to let them go.
I am hoping to find a home for Pickle, but that leaves Zacchi alone when I am away. I don't think Zacchi would relocate well at all, he is a one-woman territorial little fellow.
I'll keep you posted.
Today I am grateful for cooler temperatures.
A New Season Begins – March 2024
9 months ago
Oh little doggie friends!
All my heart goes out to you. I will pray for a happy solution.
Dear little companions :'(
I've just deleted several nasty threats towards your neighbour. Isn't there any way you can keep the dogs indoors at night, so they won't be triggered by foxes, etc?
I don't want you to get rid of your dogs. And I don't feel like you should have to. Besides, remember the Turners? The minute you get rid of your dogs your neighbour will go and get one themself, and it will howl continuously for you. ROAR.
That's not a solution!!
If your doggies are gone your neighbour will be disturbed by other dogs, that's for shure.
There is just one (or two) solution:
Let your neighbour bark (or find yourself a other neighbour, hahahah)
Maybe you should give her a doggie treat sometime!!
She gets her doggie treats, with her pill inside, then barks for more!
I am hoping that the neighbour will settle down, and for now she is sleeping inside to at least not wake him early.
I did have a place where I thought she would love to go, they have lost their dog recently and I thought back then how she would love it there, but then I rememembered that they have an elderly cat...
. . . . . "Maybe you should give her a doggie treat sometime!!"
Sorry Kay, i didn't ment Piccolina (i know she is getting them)I ment your neighbour!! (that's my sense of humor)
Now I understood the neighbour is an "HE"
:-) Sorry but no treats there... interesting, the difference between "treat" and "threat" is the letter H which doesn't exist in Italian!
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